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Research Help

NT Student Research Hub

This page contains a range of free useful resources that you can use for your school studies. It also provides information on a range of tools such as 'Google Scholar' and 'Trove' that you can use for free when doing research for school.

If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact me.

Different sources can be used for different purposes. Some such as Blogs and Wikipedia may be useful to give you background information to help you gain an understanding of your topic but it will not be acceptable as a reference to support your assignment.

For students studying at Senior Secondary level finding peer-reviewed/scholarly journal articles are very important.



When using information to support your argument or viewpoint you need to ensure what you are using is from a credible source. Peer reviewed journals are a credible, reliable source.

The YouTube clip below explains what a scholarly or peer reviewed source is.




A guy using a computer in a library

Researching and Referencing

A world of information is at your finger tips with the Internet. Struggling through a million or more search results is time consuming. Planning your search before you use a database will help you to locate information relevant to your topic in a timely manner. Identifying key concepts, the use of phrasing, understanding truncation and boolean operators will ensure relevant results when conducting a search on a database.


​Click on the options below to find out more.​

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