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Online Journal & Databases

This guide contains useful resources and links that you are able to freely use. The guide is for both primary and middle/secondary students.

Click on the logo or title for quick access to the sites

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SpringerOpen, includes Springer’s portfolio of 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science.
In August 2012 they expanded the offering to open access books.
SpringerOpen journals and books are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication. They are subject to high-level peer review, author and production services ensuring quality and reliability of the work. Authors publishing with SpringerOpen retain the copyright to their work, licensing it under a Creative Commons license.


PLOS publishes a range of peer-reviewed Open Access journals featuring quality research, expert commentary and critical analysis across all areas of science and medicine. Each journal is editorially independent and specialized with regard to both its selection criteria and breadth of content.

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The University of Sydney Library hosts a number of free and open access scholarly journals that cover a wide variety of topics. The journals are on an open-source platform Open Journal Systems.


JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books and primary sources in 75 disciplines. We help you explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform. We collaborate with the academic community to help libraries connect students and faculty to vital content while lowering costs and increasing shelf space, provide independent researchers with free and low-cost access to scholarship and help publishers reach new audiences and preserve their content for future generations.


PubMed comprises of more than 29 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

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The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It contains evidence based review of medications, procedures and therapies.

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he Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a community-curated online directory that provides access to high quality, open access (freely available), peer reviewed journals.
It covers subjects such as geography, history (American), law, medicine, fine arts, science and technology all freely available to anyone. You can search in a specific subject area or just do a more general search and see what results you get.


APO is an online knowledge hub that makes public policy research visible, discoverable and usable.

We collect and curate high quality content – our database contains over 38,000 resources, including specialist collections, grey literature reports, articles and data

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