Library Collections

Education Collection
The Education Collection comprises of a range of resources aimed at supporting teachers and educators covering a variety of curriculum areas such as numeracy, health, literacy and health.
Flashcards about family, colour & numbers
Educational games
Replica plastic fruit & vegetables
Educational topics such as visible learning, two way teaching and learning, educational psychology, data analysis and explicit instruction are well resourced within the collection.
Other resources support change management, bullying, behaviour management, assessment and whole school planning for integrated curriculum.
Language Collection
This extensive collection supports the teaching of several different languages including:
Plus many more languages
Teaching resources include games, flashcards, musical instruments, picture books, language readers as well as teacher resources.

Aboriginal Collection
Resources in this collection include Indigenous language dictionaries, picture books, puzzles, teaching kits, Indigenous music CD's/DVDs and big books.
Teacher resources cover topic areas such as Teaching and Learning in Indigenous Education, Indigenous Education in the NT and improving outcomes for Indigenous students. The library also has a range of indigenous posters around topics such as seasons, bush food and medicine and contemporary indigenous issues.
The archives collection focuses on NT Department of Education developed indigenous specific curriculum and resources. The collection includes School of the Bush Curriculum, Implementing Common Curriculum in Aboriginal Schools [ICCAS], Pee Wee and Tracks program and a variety of dialect readers.
Whilst the archive is not borrowable due to its uniqueness items can be viewed and used on the library premises.